Missing cardmarket prices?

Dasky14 avatarDasky14 4 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I have a Duskmourne Jump Scare precon that I've upgraded significantly, and even though the cards have been legal for quite a while now, most of them are missing their cardmarket prices.\n\nMy guess is that the upgraded deck would cost around 70€, but the total shown is only 33€, because most of the expensive cards still have just \"----€\" as the price. It's especially problematic with any new cards from Duskmourne.\n\nIs there some way to force these prices to update? Or anything I can do about it at all on my end, other than manually calculating the price total card by card?\n\nThe deck can be found here, in case anyone needs the example: https://archidekt.com/decks/9291889/jump_scare_bs\n"}]}
Edited 10/28/2024, 10:50:11 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'll take a peek tomorrow. It's possible that there's something going on, it's also possible that it's just CM being kinda wonky. \n"}]}
Dasky14 avatarDasky14 4 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"A good example of a card that lacks most prices is Auton Soldier, but I've noticed this with a lot of UB cards and commander deck exclusive cards.\nAuton Soldier has USD prices, but anything but the base version is lacking a CM price.\n"}]}