Joined: 11 months ago
Decks: 42
Comments: 0
Followers: 1
Loyalty: 0
{"ops":[{"attributes":{"background":"#212121","color":"#ececec"},"insert":"A newly arrived Brazilian in the MTG universe, a casual EDH (AKA commander) player. "},{"insert":"\n"},{"attributes":{"background":"#212121","color":"#ececec"},"insert":"I'm really enjoying learning more about deck compositions. My current favorite colors are green and red. "},{"insert":"\n"},{"attributes":{"background":"#212121","color":"#ececec"},"insert":"Last but not least, I'm a huuuuuuuge fan of the concept of having big monsters come together on the battlefield to beat opponents and creatures that accumulate counters to grow and finish the game. But anything fun involving creatures already catches my interest."},{"insert":"\n"}]}