Joined: 11 months ago
Decks: 18
Comments: 1
Followers: 0
Loyalty: 1
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello everyone. \nI absolutely love to build flavourful edh decks. The jankier the better in my opinion. However, I do like to actually win on occassion as well :) so, I try to up my power, without losing too much flavour when I can. All of my decklists are decks I own and play, so while there may be better (or worse) cards for a certain deck, I input my deck as is. Fell free to make suggestions though, it could be I’ve overlooked something. If I like it enough, I may be willing to switch it out. Or, it may already be on my radar, just not in my collection as of yet, or in my budget. \n\non a side note, I love cats 😻and have made it a mission to collect all Magic the Gathering cat cards over history. This includes cards that have cat type, make cats, or even have cats in the art. I have an entire binder dedicated soley to my cat collection. Whenever possible, I will try to « splash » a cat into each of my decks. Luckily including cat art has made this a bit easier, as there is a limited number of cats in black and blue. 😼\nTry to see if you can find the cat(s) in each of my decklists. 😸\n"}]}