Joined: 4 years ago
Decks: 62
Comments: 16
Followers: 3
Loyalty: 25
{"ops":[{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"My favorite format"},{"insert":" is Commander -- currently the only format I play IRL. While I prefer paper magic, I do enjoy playing Standard and Historic on Arena (under the same name).\n\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"My EDH decks"},{"insert":" are mostly built using the 75% (AKA 7/10) philosophy. I play with a ton of proxies, mostly so I can run lots of decks (all of my EDH decks on this site exist on cardboard), but also so I can play high-power / cEDH builds without budget constraints. My favorite build is a deck you won't hate, helmed by commanders you do (Narset, Breya, Oloro...)\n\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"I started playing in '93"},{"insert":" -- been here from the beginning, though I took an extended break from roughly Nemesis through Theros (imagine my surprise seeing a Planeswalker for the first time!) If I had to pick a favorite color, it would be blue. I'm not sorry. I also love Izzet so expect to see a lot of Jeskai, Temur, and Grixis.\n"}]}