Joined: 3 years ago
Decks: 18
Comments: 0
Followers: 0
Loyalty: 6
{"ops":[{"insert":"\nWelcome to my \"New\" MtG profile... \n \nActively Enjoying MtG since 2001... still pretending it's 2001 for the most part. \n\nPaper Formats:\nVintage\nLegacy\nAlpha40 and Variants\nOS 93/94\nMiddle School\nFallen Empires 40 (yea, it's a thing)\nCreative cubes\nDraft\n & EDH! - mostly just getting to sit down and play cards with friends\n\n\nAdditionally, I collect original art, doodles and custom bits - especially things with pointy ears / green.\n\nEbay ID Gilt-leaf.gaming.etc since 2008 - usually selling something. I also buy small to medium collections - especially non-standard stuff.\nExtra cards usually are donated to local Highschool Esports teams or the Cleveland Clinic Children's hospital - where I have direct connections. LMK!\n"},{"insert":{"image":""}},{"insert":"\n\n"}]}