Joined: 3 years ago
Decks: 130
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{"ops":[{"insert":"Greetings. \nI am 40 years old (1983) and have been playing Magic since almost the beginning. \nI first learned of the game and began playing all the way back to Ice Age. Like everyone when they start I was very green and made loads of mistakes and play errors, as being a young kid I did not have the money to really fund this hobby/passion at the time. But I stuck with it over the years and my experience and collection grew. \nI would go through phases over the years of being very hardcore and competitive to super casual. I was very active in the game around the original Kamigawa block to Time Spiral block. But right before Lorwyn came out I had decided to take some time away from the game. I had lost my job around the same time so a perfect storm of events happened where I ended up selling 99% of my collection and only keeping.a few things of sentimental value (unhinged lands as an example) \nAt that point I figured I was done with the game and did not look back. \nHowever, as the years had passed since my exit I grew more and more interested in picking things up again. It wasn't until a friend opened a game store that I decided to come back. That was right around when Dark Ascension came out. \nFrom there I had found the new format of EDH or Commander and since then my collection has grown to a size that would far exceed what I ever had from years before and now I am more involved and invested in the game then ever before. \nThis is my second biggest passion in life (first being my son) and it just fills me with so much joy and happiness to be a part of a great community with great friends. \nThe story continues to this day (2023) but there are so many more events that happened along the way. Maybe some day I will document it here. Until then, keep shuffling! \n\n-Jonathan \n"}]}