Joined: 2 years ago
Decks: 10
Comments: 1
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Loyalty: 1
{"ops":[{"insert":"More casual EDH player. Have been collecting since Fallen Empires and playing various formats since Odyssey block. I create decks for my real life friend group. We usually stay away from most land destruction and heavy control/stax decks. I have also personally removed tutors from almost every deck outside of different land fetches. My favorite color is by far black although I love playing all colors! First real commander deck I made was a "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Relentless Rats"}},{"insert":" deck when people were still arguing if the card rules supersedes the format rules. I have to go back and make a new "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Rat Colony"}},{"insert":" deck at some point.\n"}]}