Joined: 2 months ago
Decks: 17
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{"ops":[{"insert":"I'm a passionate deck-building artist, drawing inspiration from fantasy and mythology to craft flavourful decks within a balanced power range. My creations aren’t built for tournaments but rather for "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"engaging, immersive casual play"},{"insert":".\nI constantly reinterpret themes, weaving multiple versions of the same concept into my decks, combining mechanics, combos, and carefully chosen cards to bring my visions to life. This creative drive fuels my passion for "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"building decks physically"},{"insert":", turning abstract ideas into tangible experiences.\nMy goal is to make a living from this craft, and I’m always open to collaborations. If anyone is interested in a partnership or if Wizards of the Coast ever reaches out I’d be honoured.\n\n"}]}
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