Joined: 3 years ago
Decks: 64
Comments: 1
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{"ops":[{"insert":"Sub par Magic player here. I am stubborn and like building decks that try to be fringe or off meta. Main formats are Pioneer, EDH, Modern and Pauper. Favorite archetype is Control (not a whole lotta room for brewing there so not many lists made by me for that archetype. Also not that the best at brewing control in general. :p) \n\nBig fan of this guy, "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Nicol Bolas, the Ravager // Nicol Bolas, the Arisen"}},{"insert":" , Blue is one of my favorite colors to play in and my favorite card is "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Blood Moon"}},{"insert":" . \n\nI have just finished an EDH Color Pair Project where I made an EDH deck for all 10 color pairs. The goal was to try to make a deck that either showcased a different strategy for the colors, or used a un unpopular commander. I plan for these to be decks I keep for all the time i play magic and have plans to keep them updated through out the years. I may even change the builds at some point if I find a more interesting strategy.\n"}]}