Joined: 17 months ago
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{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello! I’m Thiago Bertuzzi, aka Bertuzzi .I'm Head Of Technology at NESS , Software and Security Architect with a love of all things nerdy. Recognized as Microsoft MVP, podcaster, blogger ,online technical content creator , Nintendo Lover and magic player since 2001. I play a lot of Commander and think Magic suits best with big laughs and no turn 2 combos. "},{"attributes":{"background":"#303134","color":"#e8eaed"},"insert":"Maybe in no turn that has a combo"},{"insert":".\n\nI am co-host of the Brazilian channels The Canal .Net and Devshow Podcast. \n"},{"attributes":{"background":"#303134","color":"#e8eaed"},"insert":"One of the organizers of the biggest meetup in the world about .net, "},{"attributes":{"background":"#303134","color":"#e60000","link":""},"insert":".NET SP"},{"insert":"\n\nInstagram: "},{"attributes":{"color":"#e60000","link":""},"insert":"@bertuzzi"},{"insert":"\nTwitter: "},{"attributes":{"color":"#e60000","link":""},"insert":"@tbertuzzi"},{"insert":"\n\n\n"}]}