Joined: 7 months ago
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{"ops":[{"insert":"I own "},{"attributes":{"bold":true,"link":""},"insert":"Storm Gate Games"},{"insert":"; an LGS located at Emporis Kota Damansara, Malaysia. I got into MTG in order to support the game in the store; and since then have grown to love the game for its richness in deck-building and complexity. Am enjoying my journey in Magic immensely and am passionate in introducing Magic to more folks in Malaysia. Magic the Gathering like all trading card games is a niche hobby and expensive for most folks in Malaysia and it's a shame that not many people are engaged in the hobby. Growing the community is also critical to the success of all LGSes and it is my hope that I'll be able to bring LGS owners together so we can collaborate and grow card game communities as a whole.\n"}]}

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