Joined: 15 months ago
Decks: 8
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{"ops":[{"insert":"Hey Nerds!\n\nHave been playing MTG since Magic Origins (2015), mostly with proxies on OCTGN (1v1). Since a couple friends showed interest in gathering, I also bought some precons to play in the living room. \nNonetheless, proxies ftw! Please excuse my disregard on budget considerations.\n\nProud owner of roughly 30 (digital) decks and I would describe my style as versatile, having a deck in almost every color combination, with a slight tendency towards white/blue and slick flying commanders (Probably bc my nemesis/homie heavily plays green combos).\n\nI love diversity and every mechanic except stax, infinite loops and cEDH! Thanks for your attention :)\n\nFave card: "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Baleful Strix"}},{"insert":" \n"}]}