Joined: 17 months ago
Decks: 56
Comments: 0
Followers: 6
Loyalty: 34
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello there and thank you for checking out my Archidekt page! I hope it brings to you some creativity and usefulness in your deck building endeavors. One of my dear friends got me into the game right before we deployed overseas for the military and I've been loving it ever since. I've always been in nerd when it comes to things like high-fantasy, board games, video games, pop-culture, so MTG was an easy sell for me. You'll see that if you read any of the lore that I make for each of my decks in their respective description text boxes. Commander is the format that got me into the game, as well as my favorite format to play, so most of the decks that I will upload on here are real paper EDH decks that I play with at my local game stores or with friends. So whether it's upgraded pre-cons, home brew's, or meta cEDH deck's, I'm all about it. If you have any recommendations for any of my decks, or are curious as to how their play cycles operate, feel free to leave a comment on which ever deck interests you, and I'll do my best to respond to you. Good luck building, and don't forget, never trust the guy with untapped blue mana...\n"}]}