Joined: 6 months ago
Decks: 11
Comments: 0
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Loyalty: 8
{"ops":[{"insert":"Love to brew decks often taking inspiration from random rares and legendaries in packs ive opened this year. i try not to spend much on the game, have only bought 1 single over $15 and maybe 5 over $10 since brewing, the rest were from pack openings and buying singles\n\n\nBought the Derevi precon in 2014 as well as a fat pack of born of the gods. Found the precon too durdley and stopped playing but followed the game from the side lines off and on over the years\n\ngot back into it around thunder junction release because i had a close friend get into the game because of the LOTR set, we now play with my friend who also bought a precon and a fat pack when I did (he got journey into nyx)\n"}]}