Joined: 5 years ago
Decks: 31
Comments: 8
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Loyalty: 16
{"ops":[{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Welcome to Mad-River Brews"},{"attributes":{"header":1},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nI started in Alara and I'll die in Alara. All of my personal commander decks have a commander that were printed in the original Alara block or were printed in a separate set but has been confirmed by WOTC to be a creature from the plane. I love the set and it has provided me an opportunity to add an additional flavor of restriction to my deck building. Any decks \"I have\" not following that restriction are actually my wife's decks, and they're pretty awesome decks to say the least. We do not exclusively play Finite Commander (no infinite combos), however, that is the preferred and intended meta. All of the decks range from about 8 to 12 turn games, and on average amongst all decks is 9.5 turns. I started to keep track of stats at the beginning of 2022 as well as additional stats in 2023; each individual deck's stats are in the descriptions of that respective deck. Hopefully you see something cool from finding our decks, and happy brewing! \n[Note: Decks are best viewed with grouped by multiple categories]\n\nMy Favorite Deck: Progenitus\nRoster Color Breakdown: W19.2% U11.5% B19.2% R26.9% G23.1%\n\nWife's Favorite: Quintorius, Field Historian\nRoster Color Breakdown: W25.0% U16.7% B16.7% R25.0% G16.7%\n\n"},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"My Overall Stats (Updated January 2025)"},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"2025:\tGames Won- 0\n\t\t\t\tGames Played- 0\n\t\t\t\tWin Percentage- 0%\n\t\t\t\tAvg. Turn Length- 0.00\n\t\t\t\tTotal Turns Played- 0\n\n2024: \tGames Won- 54\n\t\t\t\tGames Played- 160\n\t\t\t\tWin Percentage- 34%\n\t\t\t\tAvg. Turn Length- 9.35\n\t\t\t\tTotal Turns Played- 1489\n\n2023: \tGames Won- 65\n\t\t\t\tGames Played- 190\n\t\t\t\tWin Percentage- 34%\n\t\t\t\tAvg. Turn Length- 9.78\n\t\t\t\tTotal Turns Played- 1870\n\n2022:\tGames Won- 94\n\t\t\t\tGames Played- 275\n\t\t\t\tWin Percentage- 34%\n\n"}]}

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