Joined: 15 months ago
Decks: 19
Comments: 1
Followers: 0
Loyalty: 0
{"ops":[{"insert":"Been playing Magic since Tempest/5th Edition, and have been off and on in it since then. Back into the game after discovering the fun of Commander.\n\nPrimarily a homebrewer who has the old school disdain against netdecking. Everything you see me post is homebrewed. \n\nYes, that also means the ones that happen to look like other decks. It happens when you concentrate power in your deck build.\n\nI play to have fun, but enjoy crafting decks and discussing theory. I want to be able to play at what our local gaming group likes to call \"Casually Competitive\" where we try to go hard but keep it sane and within our budgets. \n"}]}