Joined: 2 years ago
Decks: 46
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Loyalty: 31
{"ops":[{"insert":"\tI've been playing Modern and Legacy since 2007 when Lorwyn dropped. My longest standing non-EDH deck is a mono red Goblins deck that has been through countless iterations, from a budget OG Legacy Aether Vial version to a janky Modern attempt. Eventually I joined the EDH hype in 2016--starting with the Open Hostility and Swell the Host precons--and I've never looked back. \n\n\tAs the resident go-wide player of my play group, I'm in love with all things token based along with the occasional combo deck (which often involves tokens anyway). You might notice that my combo and control builds tend to be focused around creatures as well, even if they don't win via combat. As a self-admitted green addict, I'm working on branching out into other color combinations; however, weening off of good ol' fashioned land ramp is a tough ask. \n\n\tMy favorite strategies over the years have been landfall, graveyard shenanigans, burn, and tribal, although I've built and disassembled dozens of commander decks in paper as well as many dozens more that never made it out of cyberspace. Enjoy the decks, comment if you like, and I hope my primers can help you fall in love with a new commander or strategy! Cheers\n"}]}